work the use of neutron tomography yielded a new method to study the castable drying. The use of a ceramic casing completely altered the dynamics of water removal. The presence of a secondary drying front was also detected for the sample inside the casing, which displayed a pronounced moisture accumulation ahead of the drying front. When comparing two different drying rates, it was possible to see that using a temperature plateau led to similar final water content. The framework proposed herein can be further enhanced by using thermocouples to obtain simultaneously the temperature profiles and the moisture distribution, or by using longer heating protocols, that better represents the industrial scenario. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001. The authors thank the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - FAPESP (grant number: 2021/00251-0 and 2019/07996-0), The authors are greatly thankful for FIRE support in this work. REFERENCES 1. A.P. da Luz, M.A.L. Braulio, V.C. Pandolfelli, Refractory Castable Engineering, vol. 756, Goller Verlag GmbH, (2015) 2. Moreira, M. et al. Main trends on the simulation of the drying of refractory castables - Review. Ceramics International, Elsevier, vol. 47 [20] pp. 28086-28105 (2021) 3. A. P. da Luz et al., Drying behavior of dense refractory ceramic castables. Part 1– General aspects and experimental techniques used to assess water removal. Ceramics International, Elsevier, vol. 47 [16] pp. 22246-22268 (2021) 4. G. Palmer, et al. The accelerated drying of refractory concrete Part 1: a review of current understanding, Refractories Worldforum 6 [2] pp 75–83 (2014) 5. K.G. Fey, et al., Experimental and numerical investigation of the first heat-up of refractory concrete, Int. J. Therm. Sci. [100] pp. 108- 125, (2016) 6. P. Meunier, et. al, Methods to assess the drying ability of refractory castables, UNITECR 2013, pp.1–4 Kyoto, Japan. (2013) 7. Shen et al., On the moisture migration of concrete subject to high temperature with different heating rates, Cement and Concrete Research, [146], pp. 106492, (2021) 8. D. Dauti, A combined experimental and numerical approach to spalling of high performance concrete due to fire, Université Grenoble Alpes, (2018) 9. L. Stelzner et al., Thermally-induced moisture transport in high-performance concrete studied by X-ray-CT and 1HNMR, Construct. Build. Mater. pp. 600–609 (2019) 10. A.J. Barakat, et al., Direct observation of the moisture distribution in calcium aluminate cement and hydratable alumina-bonded castables during first-drying: an NMR study, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. pp. 2101–2113 (2020). 11. A. Tengattini, et al., Quantification of evolving moisture profiles in concrete samples subjected to temperature gradient by means of rapid neutron tomography: Influence of boundary conditions, hygro-thermal loading history and spalling mitigation additives, Strain [56] pp. 12371, (2020) 12. A.P. Luz, et al., Drying behavior optimization of dense refractory castables by adding a permeability enhancing active compound, Ceram. Int. pp. 9048–9060 (2019) 13. M. W. Barsoum, Fundamentals of ceramics, McGraw Hill, New York, (1997) 14. P. Hidnert, Thermal expansion of titanium, J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand [30] pp. 101 (1943) 15. Characteristics of Fluororesins, Valqua LTDA, Available On-line on luoroplastics_characteristic/
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