27 American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 100, No. 8 | www.ceramics.org Celebrating 100 years Snowcap Development Limited, Asytec, and Semiconductor Technologies Limited. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Website: http://www.jkuat.ac.ke SMARTEC staff page: http://jkuat.ac.ke/departments/ smartec/staff The University’s Sustainable Materials Research & Technol- ogy Centre engages in research related to chemical analy- sis of concrete cores, DCP testing of subbase and subgrade layers, and extraction of aggregates in chemical analysis. STL Semiconductor Ltd Site: https://stlsemiconductor.com Mail: info@stlsemiconductor.com STL Semiconductor and the BG Ndegwa Center for Nano- Materials and Semiconductor Technologies is “the first of its kind advanced nano-technology and semiconductor lab- oratory in Kenya and indeed in Africa…a first-generation materials sciences facility offering scientific innovations targeted for semiconductor, agri-technology, biotechnol- ogy, energy, and any other large verticals. We aim to be the catalyst for cutting edge R&D innovation, intellectual property and proof of concepts for the semiconductor and related industries.” Technical University of Kenya Website: http://tukenya.ac.ke Email: vc@tukenya.ac.ke The University is home to faculties of Applied Sciences and Technology, Engineering and the Built Environment, and Social Sciences and Technology. MOROCCO The International University of Rabat Website: https://www.uir.ac.ma/en Email: contact@uir.ac.ma The University’s College of Engineering and Architecture offers programs in automotive, aerospace, and energy engineering. Kessy Beldi Website: https://kessybeldi.com/en Contact page: https://kessybeldi.com/en/contact “A genuine Moroccan institution,” the beldi tea glass was created in 1946 and is mouth blown from recycled glass. Le Verre Beldi Website: http://en.verrebeldi.com Contact page: http://en.verrebeldi.com/contact.php “Respecting the essential standards of recycling, job cre- ation for craftsmen with strong skill, and quality products, Le Verre Beldis upgrades traditional Moroccan handmade and blown glass.” NIGERIA University of Nigeria Website: https://www.unn.edu.ng Email: camillus.obayi@unn.edu.ng The Faculty of Engineering encompasses departments of agricultural and bioresources, civil, electrical, electronic, mechanical, and metallurgical and materials engineering. From July 19–23, the University hosted the fourth Africa Nano Conference/Workshop (https://www.unn.edu.ng/4th- african-nano-conference), which focused on the application of nanotechnology in energy, environment, agriculture, and health. The conference theme was “Nanotechnology: A Springboard for National Development.” Federal University of Technology, Akure Website: https://www.futa.edu.ng The School of Engineering and Engineering Technology encompasses departments of agricultural and environ- mental, civil and environmental, electrical/electronics, industrial and production, mechanical, and metallurgical and materials engineering. The metallurgical and materi- als engineering curriculum covers mineral processing, extractive metallurgy, physical and mechanical metallurgy, production metallurgy, alloy development, corrosion engi- neering, polymeric materials, glass and ceramic materials, refractory materials, composite materials, nanotechnology, and process and plant design. SOUTH AFRICA Central University of Technology Website: https://www.cut.ac.za Contact page: https://www.cut.ac.za/contact-us The University has programs designed to facilitate the transfer of technology to industry and notes: “The ideal would be for completed research by CUT researchers to be commercialized in the form of new inventions. Hence, the Technology and Innovation unit is supporting staff and students with the protection of intellectual property and by providing incubation facilities and commercialization support.” Its Centre for Rapid Prototyping and Manufactur- ing specialized in additive manufacturing, while its Product Development Technology Station works in product design, prototyping, and short-run production. Consol Website: https://www.consol.co.za Contact page: https://www.consol.co.za/contact The company manufactures glass packaging for the food, beverage, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics industries and serves a mix of local and global customers. University of Cape Town Website: http://www.uct.ac.za Centre for Materials Engineering Website: http://www. mateng.uct.ac.za Email: robert.knutsen@uct.ac.za “The research activities of the Centre are aimed at ad- dressing national needs in terms of both the provision of technological solutions and the development of skilled graduates…Current research interests at the Centre for Materials Engineering at UCT are aimed at addressing the need to develop competitive niche areas in the produc- tion and application of light metal alloy products for the transport, medical and chemical industries…The Centre is involved in the development of new metal alloys, polymers, ceramics, and hard materials in cooperation with the ma- terials manufacturing industries, and the optimum choice of these materials for the mining, marine, agricultural, processing, and energy-producing sectors of South Africa.” Thermomechanical processing is a key area of research focus, as is “optimization of titanium alloy properties through the process of tailoring the metal’s composition and microstructure.” Further details about these projects are available on the Department’s research page (http://www.mateng.uct.ac.za/mateng/research). University of Johannesburg Website: https://www.uj.ac.za The Department of Chemical Sciences houses the Centre for Nanomaterials Science Research, whose focus is on the synthesis, functionalization, characterization, and ap- plications of carbon-based nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes and strong composites. Its research priorities include bionanomaterials as well as nanomaterials for water treatment, catalysis applications, and sensors and photovoltaic applications. Further details about this work are available at https://bit.ly/3B9n5pO. South African Department of Mineral Resources and Energy Website: https://www.dmr.gov.za Contact: https://www.dmr.gov.za/contact This government agency has the mission to “regulate, transform, and promote the minerals and energy sectors, providing sustainable and affordable energy for growth and development, and ensuring that all South Africans derive sustainable benefit from the country’s mineral wealth.” Resources on the site cover mineral regulation and policy as well as a 21-page report on 53 minerals that are indig- enous to South Africa (https://bit.ly/3Bj2Iqz). South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM) Website: https://www.saimm.co.za Contact page: https://www.saimm.co.za/about-saimm/ saimm-contacts “The SAIMM is a professional institute with local and international links aimed at assisting members source information about technological developments in the min- ing, metallurgical and related sectors.” Its website provides directories of journal and conference papers that are accessible at no cost. 100 Directory of ceramic and glass enterprises, institutes, universities, and government agencies in Africa (cont.) Nigeria Credit: Nupo Deyon Daniel, Unsplash
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